Add video on demand to your website in just a few minutes.
Create my free accountVideo on demand for business
Video hosting
Use our hassle-free web interface to upload and manage all your video content with ease.
Built-in transcoding
Deliver the ultimate viewing experience to any screen with the ability to transcode your content on the fly to multiple bitrates and formats.
Use our embedded code generator to publish your content to your website, or use our API to pull content directly from your applications.
Tracking &
Improve user experience by understanding your viewers. Built-in business intelligence analytics allow you to grow your viewer base.
Maximize ad revenue with vast and vpaid
Generate revenue through a platform that integrates seamlessly with any VAST or VPAID server, including Google IMA, Tremor Video, and AOL ONE. Have your own ad inventory? Talk to us about Revive Adserver.
Read moreWhy Primcast?
Primcast is the trusted media management solution of over 10,000 organizations, from small businesses to global brands. Your media hosting and distribution services are backed by our industry leading SLA and supported by a team of streaming experts, available around the clock.